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Mastectomy Recovery – Post Operative Breast Cancer TRX Exercises

Mastectomy Recovery – Post Operative Breast Cancer TRX Exercises

Post Operative Breast Cancer TRX Exercises The more I learn, the less I know. I’ve been a fitness and nutrition professional for 11 years now but it is moments like these where I set out to understand something that is outside my experience that I am most humbled....
Can a Hypoxic Training Mask Improve Performance?

Can a Hypoxic Training Mask Improve Performance?

By JENA WALTHER, MS Don’t be afraid of that man wearing the mask on the treadmill next to you. Even though he looks like a cross between a burglar and Hannibal Lecter, he probably means you no harm. He’s wearing what’s known as an “altitude mask,” and despite your...
5 Exercises to Combat the Negative Effects of Bad Posture

5 Exercises to Combat the Negative Effects of Bad Posture

By DAVID CRUZ, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA We all know that our clients are doing good things for their bodies while we are with them, but probably not during the other hours of the week. Especially the prolonged time they potentially spend sitting, now considered detrimental...
New Programming Ideas For Traditional Cardio Exercise Part 2

New Programming Ideas For Traditional Cardio Exercise Part 2

Looking for an easy way to assess your client’s current level of cardio and aerobic efficiency? Using the talk test to identify their ventilatory threshold can help do just that. Plus, learning to apply this information gives you the details needed to design their...
Great Exercises for Older Caregivers

Great Exercises for Older Caregivers

Adults over 50 who are caring for ageing parents are not like other fitness clients of similar age. For starters, caregivers tend to be less healthy. A study by the insurance company MetLife noted that “adult children 50+ who work and provide care to a parent are more...