The new year provides an excellent opportunity to take inventory of your life and reboot your goals. We recently did some research into the most common new year’s resolutions and developed some tips to help you turn your big goals into healthy habits.
Losing weight is quite possibly the most common New Year’s resolution, and one of the most challenging as well. We recommend starting with clearly-defined, well-organized and realistic goals. For some help on how to transform your weight-loss goals into new healthy habits.

Of course, a regular exercise program will play an integral role in your success, and TRX can help you knock this one out of the park. Suspension Training delivers fast and effective workouts that will help you kick start your metabolism and engage every muscle in your body as an integrated system, helping you get a more effective workout in less time.

We know that your workout routine is often the first thing to get sacrificed when your life starts getting too busy to manage. If this sounds familiar, try structuring your days by scheduling your workouts first. Make your workout an absolute priority and you may find that they actually takes less time than you expected.

According to a recent study from the American College of sports medicine , staying fit actually may take much less time and equipment than you think. Researchers found that a seven minute high intensity circuit training routine, only using your body weight, could deliver the same molecular changes within muscles that are usually only produced from several hours of running or cycling.

If you have a little more than seven minutes and want to get even more out of your body weight training, we suggest investing in a TRX Home Kit, with six free workouts that all take less than 20 minutes.


At an average of $58 per month, gym memberships can be pretty costly, especially when you factor in the gas and time it takes you to get there. Maybe this explains why the average gym member only visits the gym two times a week and why 67% of people with gym memberships never use them.

Don’t get us wrong, gyms can provide excellent motivation and the opportunity to workout in a group environment. But if spending less and saving more is your goal – or you just don’t have time to get to the gym one day – then developing an at-home workout program can really help.

The TRX HOME Suspension training kit, is a gym in a bag that sets up in seconds and delivers personal-trainer style workouts to your TV, desktop or mobile device. All of this comes at the cost of a few months of gym dues or visits to a personal trainer.

It is no secret that your physical health greatly impacts your quality of life. There is a deep connection between mind and body, and studies show that regular exercise can significantly reduce stress and depression. Plus, the better your ability to move (not to mention the better you look), the more you will be able to do and enjoy. At TRX, our training philosophy is centered around empowering you with everything you need to become a better version of yourself.

Research has shown that working out outside in lush, “green” environments is even more beneficial to mood and self esteem than exercise alone. Possibly one of the greatest benefits of TRX training is that you can do it virtually anywhere. That means that you don’t have to be stuck inside or chained to a gym while you workout. TRX enables you to enjoy the elements and get the most out of every training session, no matter where your busy life takes you.

This is perhaps the most obvious resolution we can help solve for. Getting healthy and fit starts with making a commitment to a regular workout regimen and most of all making a commitment to yourself. While it does require some effort, TRX can help keep things fun, efficient and flexible on your schedule. If you are looking for a place to start, try any one of our digital workouts. These 30-60-minute sessions are engaging and created by world class trainers just for you.