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Got Power?

Got Power?

BY KENNETH MILLER, MS Got Power? Training for power has been underrepresented, or at least misrepresented, for its benefit and application in life. When we’re younger we take for granted our ability to sprint after a ball, jump over a fence, or evade the person who is...
Squat Form – What Does It Tell Us Part 2

Squat Form – What Does It Tell Us Part 2

By DAVID CRUZ, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA · AUGUST 23, 2016 Assessing this full body movement provides a foundation for designing a client’s exercise program. See how to use the results of a squat assessment to incorporate corrective exercise strategies and potentially lower...
Breakfast and Fasted Cardio – IS It Really Worth It

Breakfast and Fasted Cardio – IS It Really Worth It

By FABIO COMANA We see it, read it and perhaps even witness it – fasted cardio for weight loss. This approach is currently trending in many exercise circles, but does it really stand up to all the hype? Let’s examine this concept through a series of practices – say...
10 Brain Boosting Foods and Strategies

10 Brain Boosting Foods and Strategies

by GEOFF LECOVIN What is one of the best choices you can make to nourish, protect and boost brain power? A simple and easy to implement answer to this question is to eat more unprocessed whole foods, which are naturally full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and...